Children's Christmas Bird Count!
Volunteers across North America take part in Christmas Bird Counts each winter between December 14th and January 5th. Twenty-four children, 6-12 years of age (and their parents), participated in the 5th annual Children's Christmas Bird Count in Canatara Park on January 4th. The young birders were divided into 6 groups, each with an experienced leader. Each group walked their own trail section in the park. It was a cold day so activities wrapped up a little earlier than in past years.
Finding birds is often a case of being in the right place at the right time! My group was lucky to have a feeding station in our section where park visitors leave sunflower seeds. Almost all of the species that we saw during our walk were at this location. A few Black-capped Chickadees waited patiently in the bushes before flying to the food source, grabbing a seed and returning to the bush for safety.
At 14-17 cm in length, Downy Woodpeckers are North America's smallest Woodpecker.
House Sparrow on the left, and a White-breasted Nuthatch.
Northern Cardinal: Sunflower seeds are one of their favourite foods in the winter! My group called ourselves The Cardinals, because that was the first species that we saw.
A White-breasted Nuthatch stood in the typical "upside down" position.
Total Species and Total Numbers found by the whole group.
400 Long-tailed Ducks
40 Red-breasted Mergansers
1 Mourning Dove
42 Ring-billed Gulls
98 American Herring Gulls
1 Great Black-backed Gull
1 Glaucous Gull
2 Bald Eagles
2 Red-bellied Woodpeckers
6 Downy Woodpeckers
6 American Crows
13 Black-capped Chickadees
1 Tufted Titmouse
4 White-breasted Nuthatches
3 House Finch
32 American Goldfinch
7 Dark-eyed Juncos
8 Northern Cardinals