Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Snow Day! - Backyard Birds

Many birds visited the backyard feeders today!
The first birds spotted were Dark-eyed Juncos.  20 could be seen foraging for seed.

A few American Tree Sparrows with their central breast spot and two-toned beaks were the next visitors.

I love it when Red-bellied Woodpeckers show up in our yard! This male was very wary of camera clicking noises, but he stayed long enough to eat some peanuts.

Once the larger woodpecker left, two Downy Woodpeckers made appearances.

It has been several weeks since I last saw a Carolina Wren.  Usually I find them because they are so noisy, but this one was as quiet as a mouse.

This is the closest I have ever been to a Starling that was in the sun. We don't usually see them in our yard. The light really enhances the "stars" on the feathers of this invasive bird.

Another acrobat spending time on the peanut feeder was a White-breasted Nuthatch.

A couple of ground feeders made appearances including this Hermit Thrush.  
I also saw a Fox Sparrow but it didn't stay long enough for pictures.

A White-throated Sparrow hung out with the juncos for awhile.

One of the most regular visitors to our feeders are cardinals.  
They are usually the last visitors on any given day.

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