Saturday, June 12, 2021

 Bridgeview C.A. Petrolia!

I had a chance to rediscover Petrolia's Bridgeview Park this week. It has been several years since I last walked the trails and many improvements have been made. This covered bridge was constructed as part of a Federal Government funded project in the 1980's.

The trails are well groomed and 6 feet wide! Most trails are complete, but once all sections are finished, there will be approximately 6 kilometres of trails! There are many turns in the meandering trails which are bounded by Bear Creek, and the Petrolia Discovery. 

A few historical plaques tell some history of this area.

We enjoyed the bird and butterfly populations, including watching a Green Heron who rested for a bit.

Today was only the second time I have seen a Tawny-edged Skipper. It is a local resident in Ontario and can be found in open grassy habitats.
A pair of Delicate Cycnia Moths mating on some milkweed. They are members of the Tiger and Lichen Moths. Members of this family have a "tymbal organ" which uses a thin membrane to produce ultrasonic countermeasures against the echolocation system of bats (their chief predator).

Lots of suitable habitat to raise a young family of White-breasted Nuthatches. 
A youngster is being fed some lunch!

Look at that proboscis sipping nectar!
Many species of flowers are available for thirsty Skippers! 
Bridgeview is an enjoyable place to explore nature!


  1. Never heard of this trail before. Will have to check it out some day!

  2. A great spot for wildlife sightings.
