Thursday, April 6, 2023

 American Bittern in Sarnia!

We were fortunate to view an American Bittern in Canatara recently. It is smaller than a Great Blue Heron, but larger than a Green Heron.

The streaky, brown and buff heron can materialize among the reeds and disappear just as quickly. We watched it "appear and disappear" as it meandered through a wooded area. The eyes can focus downward, giving the bird's face a comically startled, cross-eyed appearance. This visual orientation presumably enhances the bird's ability to spot and capture prey. The eyes turn orange during breeding season.

These stealthy carnivores stand motionless amid tall marsh vegetation, or patiently stalk fish, frogs, and insects.  It was viewed capturing earthworms yesterday.

I hope the stop in Canatara provided the food and rest it required to continue its migration journey!


  1. Pretty neat never got one in Ontario when I was there and what a cool place to see it .
