Sunday, March 10, 2024

 Things With LEGO Wings!

We visited Sean Kenney's Animal Super Powers LEGO exhibit in Windsor (LaSalle). The exhibition displays animals made from LEGO bricks and showcases the science behind their "super powers" that help them to survive in the wild. Open to public until April 6, 2024, Event Centre, Lasalle Landing. Trivia facts all taken from display signs. The Pileated Woodpecker was one of my favourite sculptures. Included in the 22,671 bricks was a spider at the tip of its beak!

Bald Eagles can see a fish in the water, a mouse in the field and can spot a rabbit from 2 miles away! (42,198 bricks used, 184 hours to build.) 

Mallard Drake taking ducklings for a walk. (Male Mallards typically have nothing to do with the care of ducklings.)

Because a caterpillar's primary goal in life is to fatten itself up for metamorphosis, it spends most of its time eating and can eat up 27,000 times its body weight during its lifetime! (46,950 bricks used, 438 hours to build!) 

Swallowtail Butterfly

Dragonfly eyes can capture up to 200 images per second while human eyes can see 60 images per second. Compound eyes allow them to see in several directions at once. (40,260 bricks used, 305 hours to build.) 

With 170 odour receptors in their antennae, bees' sense of smell is 50 times stronger than a dog's and 100 times stronger than a human's. (16,383 bricks used, 200 hours to build)

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Dodo birds were amazing adapters. They didn't need to fly as they had very few predators. Over time, each generation developed smaller and smaller wings. When European settlers arrived to the island of Mauritius and changed the environment, the birds were no longer able to survive. The last Dodo died in 1662, less than 100 years after humans arrived. (75,000 bricks used, 668 hours to build.)

And A Few Things Without Wings!

Snow Leopard

Red-eyed Tree Frog

Mountain Goats

Tiny inverted LEGO men used to make the Goat's fur.

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