Friday, July 12, 2024

 Black & White!

The summer months are full of colour, but I've been finding lots of black and white critters hiding in the foliage!

Eight-spotted Forester Moth

White-spotted Sable Moth

Exposed Bird-dropping Moth

Hickory Tussock Moth - This caterpillar decided to camouflage on my hat as it plummeted from above. A friend informed me it was on my head.

Canada Goose on his lookout tower!

Common Checkered Skipper. Despite the name, it is not common in Ontario, but can be found locally.

Herring Gull - soaring along the Lake Huron shoreline.

10 Grape Leaffolder Moths in the picture! Common Milkweed was one of the few flowers blooming at the time of the gathering.

Cabbage White Butterfly

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