My 6-legged Friends!
Bumble Flower Beetle: I've been looking at warm weather photos for a Lambton Wildlife presentation this week. A lot of people are dreaming of warmer weather, so I thought I'd share a few of my pics in this post. The Bumble Flower Beetle gets its name from the bee-like sound it makes while in flight. This individual is the only one I have ever seen.
Crowned Slug Moth: Pictures of these beautiful caterpillars have caught my attention over the years. I finally saw my first one along a trail last September.
Flat-tailed Leafcutter Bee: This species lives in our backyard! It is a joy to watch individuals fly into nesting cavities on their "magic carpets" The leaf pieces are used to shelter the eggs.
Golden Tortoise Beetle: I thought it was a piece of glitter until it flew!
Smiling Mason Bee: This is a classic case of "if you plant it, they will come!" The Smiling Mason Bee is critically imperiled. It spent a few days on the Pearly Everlasting which was planted 3 years ago in our backyard.
Wool Carder Bee: Members of this bee family scrape the hair off plants (Pearly Everlasting in this case) to use as nesting material for eggs! Notice the ball of hair under the abdomen.
Snowberry Clearwing: One of the "Hummingbird, or Clearwing" Moths.
Food Chain in action: A well camouflaged Crab Spider lurked on this flower head waiting for prey to land. A quick grab, and the spider had its next bee (species) meal!
The crab spider is perfectly camouflaged! That's a very cool photo capture.