Sunday, April 26, 2020

End of April Finds:

You know School Buses have been sitting a long time when Robins feel confident enough to build a nest on the steering wheel!

Four gosling families are swimming in Canatara Park, mostly in Lake Chipican.  Early in the morning, and during nap time, they can be found sleeping under Mom or Dad's wing. I know they become annoying later on but they are pretty cute at this stage!

With all those goslings, come grumpy adults! (I really wasn't that close to this guy.) 

Pine Warblers have been cooperating for photos this weekend!
Fingers crossed for more spring-like weather in the coming days!  
We look forward to the arrival of many more migrating birds!


  1. Great pictures, Sharon. We had female turkeys walking around our yard this morning.

    1. Apparently the turkey has been on our street a few times!
