Friday, August 25, 2023

 Eight-legged Friends!

This was my first siting of the beautiful Orchard Orbweaver which can be found from southern Canada to Columbia. It is distinctively coloured with leaf-green legs and sides. The underside of the cephalothorax (fused head and thorax) is spotted with yellow and black; the top is silvery with brown and black streaks. Some individuals display neon yellow, orange or red spots on the rear of the abdomen.

The web is often horizontally displayed with the spider hanging down in the centre.

A close up of the spider revealed a prism of colour in some of the web strands!

A Grass Spider hanging out in his "hidey hole", ready to grab unsuspecting prey that get too close.

Lined Orbweaver

An Orbweaver made a web which joined my car to the roof of our house. Although back lit, the location provided a great view of the spider racing along the web strands, securing many insects that became trapped in the web.

Video of a very active spider catching insects above my driveway!

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