Wednesday, October 25, 2023

 Great Blue, Green and Black-crowned!

A few herons continue to be found in the area. Great Blue Herons are often the last of the herons to head south for the winter. As long as there is open water and food, some of the hardiest members of the species can still be found.
Thanks to specially shaped neck vertebrae, Great Blue Herons can quickly strike prey at a distance.
Hunting Great Blue Herons wade slowly or stand statue-like as they stalk fish and other prey in shallow water or open fields. Watch for the lightning-fast thrust of the neck and head as they stab with their strong bills.

Great Blue Herons are the largest of the North American Herons. Despite their impressive size, they weigh only 5 to 6 pounds, thanks in part to their hollow bones.
A "late for the season" Green Heron was found in Canatara Park up until last week. (mid-October). It possibly flew in from further north and stopped when it found good shelter and food sources to re-energize for the rest of the journey.

Compared with most herons, Green Herons are short and stocky, with relatively short legs and a long, thick neck that is often drawn up against the body. The body is about the size of an American Crow.

Black-crowned Night Herons often spend their days perched on tree limbs or concealed among foliage and branches.
They forage in the evening and at night in water, on mudflats and on land. I unexpectantly encountered an immature bird while walking a trail near Petrolia in mid-September.
Immature Black-crowned Night Herons are brown with large white spots on the wings and blurry streaks on the underparts. Their bills are yellow and black. (Adults look very different. They are light grey birds with a neatly defined black back and black crown. Bills are entirely black)

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