Wednesday, October 4, 2023

 Remembering September!

(Some additional photos from last month.)

Lady Bird Beetle soaking up the sun on a Swamp Milkweed seed bed.

Eastern Box Elder Bugs are native to North America and get their name from the Boxelder tree, also known as Manitoba Maple. The seeds on these trees are an important source of food for the insects. The red and black bugs can be considered a nuisance when spending the winter months in our homes but they don't bite humans. However, if squished, they can release a stinky odour.

I believe this is a Four-humped Stinkbug.

Slaty Skimmers mating, (an August photo)

Red-backed Salamander, leadback phase.

Rubbed Dart on Goldenrod

I found a few Rubbed Darts during the daylight hours!

American Beech nuts litter the ground. Two, 3-sided nuts can be found in each seed case. Squirrels and chipmunks have been busy collecting and eating the seeds.

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