Sunday, November 12, 2023

 Pinery Birds!

We headed back to Pinery Provincial Park today to help a friend introduce some cousins to birding. There were few birds to see in the morning, but that changed when we stopped for lunch at Beach Parking #9. Several Tufted Titmice were happy to see us!

Black-capped Chickadees were the "stars of the show". Their black cap and "chick-a-dee" song made for easy species identification. It was nice to experience the start of "hand-feeding season"!

A White-breasted Nuthatch stayed close by but did not land on any out-stretched hands. These birds are masters of stealing food cached or stored in tree bark by other birds.

A walk along the beach resulted in only one bird that the group could see which was a distant Bonaparte's Gull. Tracks in the sand revealed an American Crow had passed by earlier. Crows are in the group of birds with 4 toes; 3 pointing forward and 1 pointing behind. The backward-facing toe is called the hallux and is often larger and stronger than the other toes, providing support and balance. Two side-by-side Crow tracks are visible in the picture. The toenail of the hallux is dented into the sand behind the toe print.

Cedar Waxwings followed us along the Heritage Trail. There were lots of berries for the waxwings and Robins to feast upon.

We weren't lucky enough to see a Pileated Woodpecker today, however Deryl spied this individual on a visit a few days ago.

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