Friday, November 3, 2023

 Yard Finds!

Now that backyard feeders are again being stocked with seed, a good variety of species are frequenting the yard.

Northern Cardinals don't migrate and they don't moult into a dull plumage, so they're still breathtaking throughout the year!
Black-capped Chickadee checking to see if any one is home! (We haven't seen any sign of a Screech Owl in the box yet this fall.)
A patient female Downy Woodpecker waiting for her turn on the feeder. Its interesting to see the pecking order on the feeder each day!

Some birds are finding seed from our native garden such as these American Goldfinch on Blazing Star.

1st. year Chipping Sparrow eating seeds in the grass.

American Goldfinches feeding on Wild Bergamot

Praying Mantis lurking in the grass: After almost stepping on it, I let it crawl on my hand so I could take it to a nearby bush. As soon as it touched the leaves, it flew right back to where I first saw it. After mating and laying an egg case in the fall, the adults will die when the cold weather arrives.

Oleander Aphids really liked the Swamp Milkweed this year. They showed up later in the season. Although they will suck juice from the plant stems, they also provide food to many insects and some birds!

A surprisingly quiet Carolina Wren sat on a garden log.

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