Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Fuzzy Babies!

I missed seeing any young Screech Owlets last year, but some noisy robins led us to their perch earlier this week! In addition to these 2, a third sibling was sitting on a higher branch. Mom wasn't too far away.

Deryl found a pair of Dickcissels at the Sarnia Landfill - first of the year for him!

And then he saw them mating! We don't often see evidence of them nesting in our area, so it will be exciting to see if there are any young later on in the season!

A Monarch caterpillar was busy chewing on Milkweed leaves today! It was in the same Milkweed patch where I saw my first adult several weeks ago. This larva will be making its chrysalis soon!

The Viceroy, which mimics the monarch, but has an additional black line across the hind wings was nectaring on Oxeye Daisy in the sunshine!

Another raccoon family met the lens of my camera during my lunch break today. Mom had taken the kids to the water for a drink.

A Snapping Turtle spent a couple of hours digging a nesting hole and laying her eggs this morning. When she was done, I placed a cover over the nest to protect it from predators such as skunks, weasels and raccoons. It's important to monitor the nest as the young turtles can become trapped if the cover isn't removed before they hatch. I watched a number of deer flies land on her head as she walked back to the pond and wondered if her thick reptilian skin would protect her from their bites.

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