Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Canatara August 11-14 

I was able to identify this tiny, 1 mm diameter egg because I watched Mom lay it in front of me. I was concerned that she had chosen a White Ash tree to lay her egg, but have since learned that Ash is included on the list of Host/Larval Food plants for the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail. It will take 5-10 days for it to hatch and I will continue to keep an eye on it.

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail female who deposited the egg in the top picture.

I found my first Praying Mantis of the year this week. It was incredibly well camouflaged. After overwintering in the egg case, the young typically hatch during the first week of June and look like miniature replicas of the parents. As they grow, they moult several times and by August are large enough that they are easier to find.

I've heard the clear, rising reep call of the Great Crested Flycatcher throughout the summer, but had a close look at one yesterday.

As many as 6 Great Blue Herons have recently been found in the park. Sometimes they fish close together, but often prefer their private roosting and hunting spots.

Another Great Blue Heron appears to be admiring his handsome reflection!

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