Sunday, August 18, 2024

 A Visit to Stag Island!

Many thanks to a fellow moth enthusiast who invited us to Stag Island. It was our first time on the island, located in the St. Clair River, across from Corunna. We were transported by private boat.

 Two ferries carry residence back and forth to the island.

Upon our arrival, we opened the moth traps which had been left outside overnight. Many creatures, other than moths, were attracted to the light including a Giant Mayfly

Wavy-lined Emerald (as suggested by iNat)

Arcigera Flower Moth

Figwort Borer Moth

Once we had exhausted the trap life, we walked around the island where we could apparently go on a Garden Tour for only a nickel! 

I found this creature on my shoe. A type of Green Lacewing seemed to be shedding it's exoskeleton.

Goldenrod Soldier Beetle

View taken while walking along the west side of Stag Island, looking north. The top beam of the Bluewater Bridge is distantly visible in the photo.

Looking towards Michigan.

Orange-tipped Oakworm Moth caterpillar

A few Monarch caterpillars were chomping on Milkweed. The top one appears to have dropped a frass nugget!

Looking back towards Corunna.

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