Tuesday, August 20, 2024

 Yard Stuff!

Our yard continues to attract lots of Things with Wings!

A Cicada (sp) chose the front curb to emerge from it's exuviae (final moult). The adult is drying its wings right beside the exoskeleton that protected it while living under ground for a few years. 

Common Aerial Yellowjacket on native Late Figwort. Figworts are considered to be among the best nectar producers in the plant world! The little cups are full of nectar and it has become a plant prized by bee keepers!

A Common Ringlet took a rest on the hood of my car.

A pair of Peck's Skippers on the Black-eyed Susan. We have over a dozen Peck's Skippers hanging out in our yard!

Lots of immature Large Milkweed Bugs are gathering in the garden.

Adult Large Milkweed Bugs, still congregating together.

Common Painted Lady, first of the year.

Katydid sp.

Black Swallowtail

Brown-belted Bumblebee - When the wings are up, the brown belt is visible!

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