Friday, August 2, 2024

Last of July!

It's hard to believe that August is already upon us. Here is a collection of recent photos taken during the month of July. Almost all photos are from Canatara Park.
Black Saddlebags - I was pleased that this one landed for a photo!

Aerial Yellowjacket on Late Figwort.

Eastern Forktail and the morning dew.

Gallinipper - a large member of the mosquito family that wanted to make me her next meal!

Great Black Digger Wasp on Spotted Horsemint (also known as Spotted Beebalm)

Great Blue Heron

House Wren

Primrose Moth sleeping in Evening Primrose flower

Ruby Tiger Moth caterpillar and dropped frass.

Painted Turtle, hiding in lily pads.

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