Sunday, September 15, 2024

 Beach Wings!

Many different kinds of wings can be found on the Canatara Beach!
Despite the very wide beak, no sound escaped from the Ring-billed Gull's mouth. Perhaps he was practicing for the next time French fries were within reach!

Common Checkered Skippers aren't typically found on the beach! I noticed it chose a leaf on which to land, instead of standing in the sand!

Duskywings can regularly be found along the sheltered dunes trail. This Indigo Duskywing was soaking up the sun.

A Lucerne Moth warmed up on a hot stone, close to the water's edge.

I watched a few Monarchs rest on the beach after flying over Lake Huron. This individual has had a rough journey so far! It still has a long trip ahead to make it all the way to Mexico for the winter!

A Praying Mantis, frozen in place, waiting for prey to come within grabbing distance. It captured a small bee mimic while I watched.

Canada Geese taking a break along the Canatara shoreline.

More Canada Geese in migration mode!

A distant Bald Eagle was spotted "frolicking" in the shallow water at Pinery Provincial Park. It may have been trying to catch a fish, or steal from the 3 American Crows on the beach.

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