Sunday, September 8, 2024

 Mystery Falls!

It was a beautiful day on Thursday to walk the Mystery Falls, 4km loop. 
Low level section of trail.

Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth: Occasionally, a caterpillar crawled across the path. 

Banded Tussock Moth, caterpillar

Solitary Sandpiper viewed from a side trail that led to the Ausable River.

I noticed moving white specks on a few trees. A short search found larger gatherings of aphids: Beech Blight Aphid.

Some branches were so thickly covered in the aphids, that it gave the appearance of a fresh snowfall!

Great Blue Lobelia

Butterflies were few and far between in the wooded area, but once we reached the farm edge on the return to our car, a few made an appearance including a couple of Orange Sulphurs.

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