Tuesday, September 10, 2024

 Henderson C.A., September 8th

After an event at L.C. Henderson Conservation Area near Petrolia, I walked the 3km trail loop a second time and found lots of insects to photograph. I scanned for migrating Monarchs and saw very few, but was happy to find a pair of mating Viceroy butterflies! (Notice the black line that crosses the hind wing. The line is missing on Monarchs.)

One of only 2 Monarchs I saw that day. 

American Painted Lady: Now you see it...

...now you don't! The butterfly is in the exact same location, but closed its wings and seems to have disappeared!!

Eastern Comma

Orange Sulphur

Shadow Darner

Smoky Rubyspot! A "lifer" species for me. I believe it is unexpected at this location and the population is listed as imperiled in Canada.

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