Tuesday, October 1, 2024

 Point Pelee: Marsh Boardwalk!

Despite the forecast, we walked the Marsh Boardwalk trail on Saturday morning and managed to dodge most of the rain!

A Red-winged Blackbird wasn't bothered by us as he hopped along the top of the railing. I haven't seen one at home in a few weeks.

Some squabbling filled the air as two Great Blue Herons both wanted the same space. One bird finally left, leaving this one to his little pile of marsh vegetation.

A large flock of Double-crested Cormorants flew overhead.

A distant male Wood Duck foraged for food in the marsh. We saw at least 4 individuals. 

The person with whom I was walking suggested the red cable was the handiwork of muskrats attempting to set up their own internet service!

Five Wild Turkeys greeted us at the parking lot upon our return to the car.

Looking across the marsh towards the Boardwalk.