Wednesday, October 16, 2024

 Petrolia Things!

While walking along one of the weirs at Henderson Conservation Area, I noticed the tiniest Wooly Bear Caterpillar that I have ever seen! I took off my ring to provide some size perspective before it crawled away.

Many turtles sunbathed on a fallen log in the water at the Conservation Area. Half appeared to be Painted Turtles, while the other half were Red-eared Sliders.

A Question Mark butterfly, does its best "leaf" imitation as it sits with closed wings on top of a Staghorn Sumac leaf stem. Looking closely at the underwing, the basic shape of a white question mark is visible.

Autumn Meadowhawk

Fall Colours along the trails.

My next stop was in the town of Petrolia for the annual Arbour Week Tree planting. Each year the committee chooses a location in Lambton County to plant a few trees. The YMCA in Petrolia was this year's recipient. The clay packed soil and lack of recent rain made for some very challenging digging conditions! Notice the feet on the right, as they are standing on the shovel.

The smaller native trees just planted, are dwarfed by some other trees. Together, the little patch of tree life will provide shelter and food for future "things with wings"!

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