Sunday, July 17, 2022

 Green Year Update!

Deryl added another mode of transportation to his Green Big Year this morning out on Lake Huron! He is spending 2022 locating birds in Lambton County exclusively without the use of fossil fuel powered transportation. He has observed 219 species since January 1st.

The first rare bird of the year was a Ross' Goose.

Cycling provided an opportunity to hear birds more easily than from a car. This Dickcissel was observed along a roadside after hearing its song in the distance.

This Short-billed Dowitcher is his favourite find to date. It was hanging out in a mud puddle in a residential construction zone.

His best bird to date is a Whimbrel found on Canatara Beach in the middle of June!

He even cycled to Pinery Provincial Park in June. A Red-spotted Purple enjoyed the sweat on his bike seat!

Total species observed: 219
Total distance walked: 410 km
Total distance cycled: 1,025 km
Total distance on snowshoes: 4 km.
Total distance on cross-country skis 6 km
Total distance by kayak: 3 km
Total weight lost: 20 lbs.

And he still returned to the house with a smile on his face!