Saturday, July 16, 2022

 Some Cool Finds!!

American Giant Millipede: Although "Milli" means a thousand, they don't really have that many legs. Depending upon the species, they can have anywhere between 24 and 750 legs. (2 pairs of legs per body section.)  We found this critter which was 4 inches long, crawling down a tree branch while hiking on Friday. I had no idea a millipede could grow to that size in Ontario and that they climbed trees! We never found any that large in all my years of teaching Outdoor Education. 

Brown-hooded Owlet Larva (Moth): The Field Guide appropriately states, "Each individual appears as if it were hand-painted and then glazed." The host plants are asters and goldenrod. Found in Canatara Park! Caterpillars of Eastern North America, David L. Wagner

We have an Ant/Aphid farm on a Snakeroot Plant in our garden. Ants and aphids share a well-documented symbiotic relationship, which means they both benefit mutually from their working relationship. Aphids produce a sugary food for the ants. In exchange, ants care for and protect the aphids from predators and parasites. 

Black Squirrel doing a Prairie Dog impersonation!