Sunday, June 23, 2024

 Flying around Peterborough County:

A Mayfly took a break on the Trans-Canada Trail!
Beaver Mead Park, Peterborough.

Modest Flat-headed Mayfly

Trent University Wildlife Sanctuary Nature Area: The property offers several kilometers of walking trails along varied terrain and habitat. When we first spied this Spring Fishfly, we thought it was a moth because of the feathered antennae. It blended in well with its surroundings!

Heading into a dark treed tunnel at the Wildlife Sanctuary.

This striped insect appears to be a Zebra Caddisfly. We saw it at a lunch stop resting on a pine tree.

Hundreds of aerial Zebra Caddisflies, not resting!

Toothed Somberwing

Two-banded Petrophila, only 1 cm in length

A Wolf Spider Momma with a whole crew of babies on her back!!

Scenic Waterfall!

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