Friday, June 14, 2024

 South-east Lambton!

We participated in a breeding bird survey on a 300 acre property in SE Lambton County on June 6th. It was a mostly rainy morning and bird species and numbers were down this year, but I was very happy to find a Gray Tree Frog sitting in an Ash Tree. They are able to camouflage with their surroundings and this individual was just beginning to get a green tinge around the face. Had it already been green, I probably would not have noticed it.

One of the Green Frogs that didn't jump when I approached a pond.

This Green Frog jumped into the water and surfaced with a muddy face!

Larva of a Mourning Cloak butterfly. If it survives the summer and fall, it will overwinter as an adult. They are one of the first species of butterflies that we find in the early spring.

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

A pair of Hairy Woodpeckers chattered noisily. We think something was bothering them (other than us). I spent time scanning the trunk and branches with my binoculars. I eventually found the birds, but no predators.

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