Wednesday, June 26, 2024

 Last of the Best!

A few more pictures from our trip to Peterborough and Kawartha Counties.

Bronze Copper - Carden Alvar

I watched a Black-capped Chickadee as it carried food, entered a cavity at the top of the stump then flew away with a fecal sac from one of the baby chickadees in the nest!.

Eastern Phantom Crane Fly: The black and white colouring of these creatures allow them to appear and disappear as they "float" between shadows and sunlight. I was lucky to have one stop in photographic range!!

Bee-mimic Beetle - Bee mimics do not sting. Striping on their bodies alerts predators to the possibility of a stinging insect so they are often left in peace.

Dreamy Duskywing - well camouflaged!

Two-spotted Skipper - another lifer!

Unidentified caterpillar, probably in the Tiger Moth family!

Fence line and field of flowers!

Beyond this fence but too far for the camera, we could see a young Loggerhead Shrike in a tree!

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