Sunday, August 9, 2020

 August Things!

We thought we had some inter-species mating going on in our garden this week! The 2 creatures in the photo did not look anything alike by my observation. But after some research and checking in with "experts" I learned they are the male and female of the Peachborer Moth! No peach trees in our yard but we do have a couple of Sand Cherries which they also like.
We made a trip to the Pinery recently. The fellow on the left is one of the Stink Bug Hunter Wasps. It eyed up the Hackberry Emporer, decided it wouldn't make a good meal and departed.
An Eastern Pondhawk had a delicious Fly meal near the Pinery Visitor Centre.
Whirligig Beetles are known for swimming in erratic circles. They are able to see above and below the water at the same time with their split eye. I don't often seem them out of the water. but there was a steady stream of them crawling on and off the lily pads at the Canoe launch. 
Another critter hanging out near the canoe launch was one of the Fishing Spiders. If given a chance he would probably eat a Whirligig Beetle.
This menacing looking creature is a Cicada Killer. They are referred to as Gentle Giants as they rarely bother humans unless they feel trapped. Cicadas, on the other hand, should definitely feel threatened as they are the main source of food for the Cicada Killer!
On the larger scale of life, we found a Turkey Hen with 4 chicks roaming through the Burley Campground.
A Thing with Wings, Eating a Thing with Wings! This Robin caught a Skipper (butterfly) for breakfast.

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