Friday, January 7, 2022

 January Birds!

I had my first close-up looks at 2 Carolina Wrens for 2022. It's nice when they pop up right in front of me!

I had an unexpected surprise upon finding 2 Hermit Thrushes in Canatara Park on January 5th. They seem to have missed the "migration departure" with the rest of the thrushes. There are lots of berries in the park. If the weather isn't too severe, hopefully they will survive the winter!

8 Cedar Waxwings landed overhead while we were walking along the Dundas Valley Rail Trail.

A flock of 18 Common Redpolls were feeding on and under some White Cedar Trees in Canatara Park. As I tried to get a better angle for the sun, I spooked a very well camouflaged rabbit that ran towards the Redpolls, scattering ALL of the birds.

As more ponds begin to freeze, Canada Geese have been flying between Lake Huron and grassy fields looking for food and shelter.

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