Thursday, September 24, 2020

 6-Legged Things With Wings!

Butterflies are still active on the warmer days, 
such as this Viceroy sunning in the meadow.

A Red Admiral nectars on Goldenrod by the pond.

A Green Stink Bug! - Stink bugs get their name from 
an unpleasant odour they produce when threatened.

A different view of a Green Stink Bug - keeping an eye on me!

A midge with very feathery antennae. They look like tiny dust mops!

Hundreds of yellow aphids can be found on plants at this time of year, including Common Milkweed. Monarch Moms rarely lay eggs on Milkweed infested with aphids. The Oleander Aphid is an amazing creature. There is NO MALE OR EGG STAGE! Females produce only nymphs that moult 5 times as they grow. They in turn will only produce female nymphs. Predators include parasitic wasps, lady beetles, fly maggots, and lace wings.(source NC State Extension Publications Fact Sheet.)

Ants go through complete metamorphosis. A few stages of growth are evident on the Burr Oak Tree. Many winged ants in the photo probably represent the males wanting to mate with the Queen. Some wingless workers are also busy on the tree bark.

Happy Fall! Autumn has arrived!

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