Wednesday, May 22, 2024

 Blackwell Trails - Wings!

Silvery Blues were abundant on a morning walk at Blackwell Trails! This species has been expanding its range southwestward in Ontario and has just been found in Sarnia in the past few years. 
The ROM Field Guide to butterflies of Ontario, Peter W. Hall, et al.

The very round circles, ringed in white on the underwing, help to identify the Silvery Blue.

One even landed on my wet shoe!!

Juvenal's Duskywing: This individual was one of 18 that we saw. In total, we viewed 56 butterflies, representing 9 species!

Orange Sulphur

The Argus Tortoise Beetle is one of the largest beetles native to North America. It resembles a turtle in shape with the colouring of a ladybug. They over winter at the adult stage.

Near the parking area was a Mallard Hen and 2 ducklings.

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