Sunday, May 12, 2024

 Spring Arrivals:

The arrival of spring warblers in their bright breeding colours is magical. Chestnut-sided Warblers stayed close to the ground for photos on one of the cooler mornings this week

Black-throated Green Warbler

Blackburnian Warbler - one of my favourites.

Scarlet Tanager

A Golden-winged Warbler was the star of the show at Camp Saredaca earlier this week. He stayed high in the tree canopy when we were there and we managed a "proof that we saw it" photo.

Deryl found a White-eyed Vireo that overshot his migration route and visited Canatara Park. They usually stay south of Lake Erie.

And we stayed up past bed time to view the Northern Lights, an unexpected treat in southern Ontario! Photo taken in Sarnia on Friday, overlooking Lake Huron.

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