Sunday, May 26, 2024

Green Year Hotspot Tour!

Deryl is continuing his Green Birding year in 2024. On May 23/24th, he cycled 184 km from home, through North Lambton, Grand Bend and back. (He also hiked 15 km along some trails.) A few of the highlights are shown below. To read his full trip report check out this link: 

Riding through Pinery Provincial Park.

20 Dunlin were spotted at Ipperwash Beach.

Purple Martins on private property by Ipperwash Beach.

Turkey Vultures, Ipperwash Beach
Sandhill Crane at L. Lake in Port Franks.
No colts were visible.

Great Blue Heron, Riverside Drive, Port Franks.

Bald Eagle cruising low along water channel as it passed by Riverside Trail in Pinery Provincial Park.

Eastern Phoebes continue to nest along the Riverside Trail.

Prairie Warbler, Dunes Beach, Pinery.

Clay-coloured Sparrow, Klondyke Sports Park, outside of Grand Bend.
Ausable River Cut Conservation Area

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