Tuesday, May 28, 2024

 Pinery - May 23, 24, 2024

While Deryl was riding his bike for his Birding Green Tour, I had my own adventures at Pinery Provincial Park.

After circumnavigating my legs 3 times, a very new and fresh Eastern Tiger Swallowtail finally posed for a photo!

Dusted Skippers are rare residents in Ontario, mostly restricted to the dunes in Pinery Provincial Park and North Lambton. They were plentiful during my visit.
The ROM Field Guide to Butterflies of Ontario, Peter W. Hall et al, 2014

I unexpectedly found 2 Mottled Duskywings, simply while walking along the roadside. This species had been extirpated from the Pinery and a reintroduction program was initiated in 2021. It was a thrill to see this new (to me) species!

Another unexpected occurrence was learning that I had shared a washroom with a Milk Snake. I wasn't aware of its presence since it was curled up behind the garbage can and was only 8 inches long. Cleaning staff found and removed it, but after they left, I watched it slither right back into the washroom, under the space below the door.

Giant Leopard Moth - also evicted from washroom building.

Many sizes and colours of fish could be seen in the water including this Pumpkinseed! It is a member of the sunfish family.

A Snapping Turtle lurked at the water's surface along the Riverside Trail.

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