Friday, May 24, 2024

 Night Life!

We have made a few attempts in the past month to find moths in our backyard and elsewhere. With sunset times being earlier at this time of year, we aren't staying up quite as late. However we will find more species as we get closer to the summer solstice and warmer weather. Below is a selection of some of the interesting moths that have come to the light!
The Harnessed Tiger Moth was extremely active near the light and took awhile to settle down on the sheet. The closed wings were hiding the bright colours of the body. (below)

The bright underside of the Harnessed Tiger Moth was visible when the moth was at its most active.

When I noticed this Plain Plume Moth on the back of the lawn chair, I knew I needed to get a ruler. It was larger than most Plume Moths that we find.

Ipsilon Dart Moth

Red-fringed Emerald

Straight-lined Plagodis Moth

Variable Carpet Moth

Bicoloured Woodgrain Moth

Bristly Cutworm Moth

Curved-toothed Geometer Moth

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