Tuesday, May 14, 2024

South Lambton by the River!

Yellow-headed Blackbird: While walking along a trail, we turned suddenly upon hearing a strange noise. It sounded like a bird was being stepped on and didn't take long to find this handsome fellow perched in a tree! This mid-western species has a small breeding population in SW Ontario.

Grasshopper Sparrow: Grasshoppers are their primary prey. Adults prepare grasshoppers for chicks by removing the legs of the insects, vigorously shaking them off pair by pair.

Mute Swan on nest: We made sure to steer clear of the nest area. Her mate was patrolling from below in the water.

Forsters Terns: In the 1800's, Forster's Terns were shot, stuffed, and mounted onto large hats that were fashionable during the Victorian and Edwardian era millinery trade. This practice ended with the passages of the Migratory Birds Convention Act in Canada (1917) and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act in the United States. (1919)

Eastern Forktails are an early flying dragonfly species in the spring.
Clouded Sulphur, white form! It's wings and legs were tinged in pink. Although I have seen many Clouded Sulphur's, this was my first siting of the white form!

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